Update is crazy! Hah, never expected that scene with mom. It was insane. I love it! That cockblock was real.

penedeyewink: Drunk mom = best mom. At least in this game. I bet this mom can easily become real love rival to Angelica, if give her chance. Scene with Erica was very lit too. And i like how Angelica's transformations go.
Lol! I've made the drunk scene to make my patron laugh! Lol
New ideas, new tier,... new Angelica Origins!
Dear followers,
thanks to some advices from my best patrons, I have a lot of things in mind to improve my game:
Some new ideas:
1. I know how to improve a little bit my
images quality (I'll test a new software today);
DONE!!! (I'll add a skip intro for people who want to start a new game);
DONE!!! (If possible, I want to speed up skip text for the same reason);
DONE!!! I've found a new script that add "auto dash" to avoid playing holding shift button. (Next episode I'll use Rpg Maker Mv for the mouse option).
I hope it work, but I dont' know if this new scripts will ruin your old saves... but I think "auto dash" it's a great thing!
New tier:
I'm thinking to add a new higher tier as some patron suggested me; this new tier will be limited and the patron with this tier will choose one (or two if you're the only patron in this tier) extra images to put in my game's collectibles. This image will be:
1. with the name of patron wrote in a corner:
2. patron can choose the character, clothes, pose, situations in accord to my possibility of course (you can't ask me things that I don't have or I can do it, but I'll do my best):
3. this extra images will be acessible inside the game only for 10$+ patrons with a secret password;
4. due to the limited spots of this tier (1 or 2 for now...) patron have to contact me before I'll create it.
These are my new temporary ideas, I have a lot of work to do now. Let me know what do you think!
Let's make this game, an awesome game togheter!