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Reviews for "Glean"

The game is fantastic. The rpg content, as well as the graphical aesthetics is remarkable.

One issue though: I failed to experience the full splendor from game, because the game froze after the very first upgrade, when I started to dig.

When the issue is fixed, I belive the game deserves a sturdy 5.

Keep up the good work.

I like the game, but why is it that I can't seem to craft an item more than once? The recipe just dissppears. Iron, for example - I have more than 70 "Tiny Iron nuggets" but the recipe for turning them into bigger ones is nowhere to be found... I find this disturbing, since I can't seem to craft half of the stuff I need for exploration this way...

Easily one of the best flash games I've ever played. I'm glad to see that this style of gaming is a growing genre and I'm sure this game in particular will inspire many more like it. The gravity/platforming element was an interesting (though sometimes annoying) improvement on the predecessors of this game and the first-glance of overwhelming complexity that gradually turns into a comfortable familiarity in regards to resources and mechanics were unparalleled.

The cons of this game are few, aside from some minor bugs. the playtime is certainly more than a couple of hours, so this isn't a game for anyone with a strict time limit such as a lunch break. the graphics were appealing, though demanding. I had to play with the graphics set to low, but it didn't take away from the experience, and while others might see the ambiguous monologues as confusing, i see them as an outstanding use of literary devices designed to help the player empathize with the protagonist. perfect score for a near-perfect game.

It seems that certain minerals can be extremely difficult to find. For instance, I have visited five planets in a row and have not found a single instance of silver.

I don't regret the multiple hours sunk into this, even though the ending was somewhat of an anticlimax. Overall, nice. Only complaints are, mining Aberrant Matter and Lava becomes impossible as you upgrade your drills, and there should be a "instant concrete" consumable to help you navigate mined-out spaces.